The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (2024)

Charles de Batz de Castelmore, better known as D’Artagnan, lived during the seventeenth century. This lieutenant-captain of the King’s Musketeers and son of Gascony died in battle in 1673 at around age sixty. He knew Mazarin, Anne of Austria and Louis XIV, all of whom he served with loyalty and courage.
In the year 1700, some thirty years after his death, a publicist by the name of Gatien Cortilz de Sandras “rediscovered” D’Artagnan.

He wrote an apocryphal autobiography of the latter entitled The Memoirs of Monsieur D’Artagnan, in which the real and the fictional hero intertwined. Almost one hundred fifty years later, a brilliant novelist by the name of Alexander Dumas happened upon this work of quasi-fiction and, with the help of his acolyte Auguste Maquet, proceeded to transform these “memoirs” into a novel. Since The Three Musketeers first rolled off the printing press in 1844, D’Artagnan has become a beloved hero to millions of readers the world over… or, at least, a certain d’Artagnan, fictional hero of sword and cape adventure novels.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Jean de Jaurgain, corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Madrid, conducted biographical research on the “real” musketeers referred to in Dumas’ novel. He was able to partially retrace the history of the real d’Artagnan.

However, it took until 1912 for D’Artagnan to find his first real biographer in the person of Charles Samaran. This native of Gascony, director of the Archives of France, embarked on a thorough research project which has allowed us to retrace the real life of this captain of the musketeers, a life that had theretofore been overshadowed by the myth. A number of authors, historians, researchers, academicians and journalists would follow in Samaran’s footsteps. Their research and writing has, little by little, breathed Charles de Batz de Castelmore back into life –his real life, that is.

Armand Praviel, André Laffargue, Jean-Christian Petitfils, Odile Bordas, Stéphane Beaumont and others have continued to search archives, compare testimonies and rely on history in order to perfect the portrait of this rather uncommon man.

The history of d’Artagnan presented here pays homage to these men and women. It is not our intention that this history be yet another version of the life of d’Artagnan. In light of the research that has already been done, such an undertaking would be nothing more than plagiarism. Rather, it is our intention to present a synthesis of the research presented by these and other authors, with an eye to helping new readers discover these works.

The real d’Artagnan, who reveals himself here to internet users, owes everything to the above authors who have managed to rehabilitate him. This challenge was all the more difficult in that Dumas’s d’Artagnan has seduced so many audiences from film to comic books and even cartoons. But, so brilliant was the genuine character and so talented his biographers that, nearly four centuries after his birth in the little Gascon village of Lupiac, d’Artagnan still has a thing or two to teach us.

1883-84 et 1910 - Jean de Jaurgain

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (1)

Troisvilles, D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers: Biographical and Heraldic Research
Honoré Champion, editor, 1883-1884 and 1910.

Jean de Jaurgain was an historian from Béarn and a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History of Madrid.

An extract from the prologue: “One can judge from the following pages, which are not without interest for the general history of the French nobility, how unfounded is the wide-spread opinion in many modern manuals that, under the ancien regime, the most important military and civil commissions were the exclusive privilege of a closed caste, and that the ennobled formed an inferior category, despised by the sovereign and gentlemen from ancient lineages. Nothing could be further from the truth (…) Families that became important members of the French aristocracy, such as the Peyré-Troisvilles, the Batz-Castelmore d’Artagnan, the Sillègue-Athos, the Portau, the Baas and the Boeil, all had modest origins!”

1912 (reedited 1967) - Charles Samaran

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (2)« D’Artagnan »
Editions Calmann-Lévy, 1912
(reedited by Bouquet, Auch, 1967)

Charles Samaran was born in Cravencères, near the town of Nogaro in the Gers (part of historic Gascony), in 1879. After graduating from the Ecole des chartes, he continued his training at the School of Rome and in the French National Archives in 1904, of which he later became the director as well as a member of the Institute.

A passage from the first chapter of D’Artagnan: “Charles de Batz de Castelmore, known as d’Artagnan –these are the only names and titles our hero had the honor of carrying into history—never had the chance to enjoy this universal fame, neither during his lifetime nor long after his death. He was most certainly a real gentleman, an experienced soldier, an adroit diplomat when the occasion demanded it, and, in all circ*mstances, a suave and nimble Gascon without being obsequious. (…) Upon his valiant death, each and every person exalted the conscience, zeal, bravery and generosity of this perfectly gallant man. But his glory ends there, because –it must be said—d’Artagnan owed his immense posthumous fame to hazard.”

1933 - Armand Praviel

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (3)The Real History of the Three Musketeers, Flammarion Editions (collection Hier et aujourd’hui), 1933.

Armand Praviel was born in 1875 in Isle Jourdain, in the Gers. This rather colorful individual was 24 years old when he donned a black cape lined with red velvet, which he would wear for the rest of his life, even to the point of having himself buried in it! After having been a prisoner during the First World War, he wrote his first novel, which was an immediate success. During his life, he wore the hats of poet, journalist, literary critic, theater actor and novelist.

Extract: “As Mr. Charles Samaran once said (…) d’Artagnan is the ultimate Gascon, or better, the ultimate Frenchman (…) Let us add with a little less indulgence: [he] was the conventional model that inspired our literature of the nineteenth century and that made our grandmothers dream, the model of the French chevalier, the young colonel of Monsieur Scribe: foolhardy, vain, spendthrift, fickle, rebellious and generous, goateed and mustachioed. His caricature still lives on today. That’s the very model of a musketeer perpetuated by his immortality. It is for our readers to decide whether they prefer the real man to the legend.”

1979 - André Laffargue

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (4)A Visit with D’Artagnan and Other Musketeers of Gascony and Béarn
CTR Marsolan Editions, Promenades en Gascogne, 1979.

A native of Gascony and graduate of the military academy of Saint Cyr, André Laffargue distinguished himself during the First World War by beating back an enemy attack. Promoted to the rank of colonel in 1939 and general in 1942, he then joined the Resistance. He became the adjutant to General de Lattre de Tassigny in 1944. Historian emeritus, his wish was to shed light on his native region through the illustrious personalities that populated his work.”

An extract from the introduction:
“D’Artagnan, which Courtilz de Sandras, unsure of his hero’s origins, made a Béarnese man, was in fact a Gascon. (…) On the other hand, Troiville (or Tréville), captain of the Musketeers, and the Three Musketeers, Athos, Portos and Aramis, were from Béarn. Is it necessary to add that the Gascons and the Béarnese are brothers –speaking the same language, living under the same sky and among similar hills? Indeed, didn’t Henry IV, though born in Pau [in Béarn] call himself a Gascon?”

1981 - Jean-Christian Petitfils

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (5)The Real D’Artagnan,
Tallandier Editions, 1981.

Born in 1944, Jean-Christian Petitfils is a graduate of the French Institute of Political Studies; he has a doctorate in Political Science and a law degree. Besides his emphasis on political science, he is also a respected expert on classical France and author of some fifteen book, including works on the history of political ideas and the history of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

An extract from the cover of The Real D’Artagnan: “D’Artagnan’s posthumous fate (born around 1613 and died in 1673) is one of the strangest ever. Completely disfigured –but with what genius!—by Dumas and even more –but with considerably less talent—by Courtilz de Sandras, that famous autobiographical forger from the end of the seventeenth century, this cadet of Gascony (1) “who came up to Paris” (2) is unknown to the point that one could wonder whether he really existed at all (…) Yes, d’Artagnan existed! His heroic and adventurous life is neither that recounted in his so-called memoirs (in reality due to Courtilz de Sandras) nor that of Dumas, but it merits well these versions! [His life] remains to be discovered. Jean-Christian Petitfils will not disappoint his readers!”

1995 et 2001 - Odile Bordaz

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (6)D’Artagnan, the King’s Musketeer: His life, his times, his contemporaries, Griot Editions, 1995.

D’Artagnan, Lieutenant-Captain of the King’s Grand Musketeers, Balzac Editions, 2001.

Conservator of national monuments, Odile Bordaz is currently the administrator of the château of Vincennes in Paris. She wears many hats: historian, doctor of the history of art, novelist. Thanks not only to her position as conservator of the museums in the Gers but also her family ties, Odile Bordaz boasts a thorough knowledge of the history of Gascony and the musketeers, to which she has already devoted a number of research projects and exhibitions.

Extract from the cover of D’Artagnan,
Lieutenant-Captain of the King’s Grand Musketeers: “This work is the result of many years of new research conducted throughout Europe, in the very places where the lieutenant-captain of the musketeers lived and intervened. It draws on newly discovered documents and allows us to discover unexpected elements and sheds new light on this character, who was much more than a hero of sword and cape adventures. The hero of legend cannot hold a candle to the “real d’Artagnan”, fascinating in more than one respect. He has all the bravery, flamboyance and glory of the former. Sometimes, isn’t reality more beautiful than fiction?”

1999 - Stéphane Baumont

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (7)D’Artagnan: Centuries of Sword and Cape Adventures, Privat Editions, collection Pages Grand Sud, 1999.

Stéphane Baumont is a man of many passions: Gascony, its inhabitants, its historic sites and its rural culture, as well as a passion for teaching. He is a lecturer at the University of Toulouse, where he specializes in constitutional law and political philosophy.

Extract from the cover: This work retraces the history of the most famous of musketeers and analyzes, for the first time, the construction and development of a myth that has crossed centuries to make the twentieth century, thanks to film, the “century of d’Artagnan”.

... and also ...

• 1963
Pierre de Montesquiou
« The Real d’Artagnan »
Editions Julliard

• 1982
Henri Castex
« The d’Artagnans in history » Editions LPF

• 1994
Geneviève Farret
« D’Artagnan »
Conseil Général et CDDP du Gers

• 1998
Sylvie Monin
« The d'Artagnans in Burgundy »
Edited by the Association d’Artagnan

• 2001
Henri Nicolas
« And Charlotte married d’Artagnan… »
Editions de l’Armançon

• 2005
Odile Bordaz
« On the paths of d’Artagnan and the Musketeers »
Editions Balzac

(1) cadet: French word for second, or younger, son. As the eldest son usually inherited from his parents, among the only options for a second-born son to amass wealth and titles was to take up the soldier’s life.
(2) Paris has long been the demographic, economic, cultural and political capital of France. Therefore, “going up to Paris” (monter à Paris) was the phrase used to describe those who left their life in the provinces in search of fame or fortune in Paris.

The real d'Artagnan | The World of d’Artagnan (2024)


Was D Artagnan a real Musketeer? ›

D'Artagnan, a protagonist of The Three Musketeers (published 1844, performed 1845) by Alexandre Dumas père. The character was based on a real person who had served as a captain of the musketeers under Louis XIV, but Dumas's account of this young, impressionable, swashbuckling hero must be regarded as primarily fiction.

Does D'Artagnan marry Constance? ›

Straight-talking Constance is a joy – funny and fearless. When she met d'Artagnan, she finally found the adventure and romance she'd been craving during her long years stuck in an uneventful marriage. Now she and d'Artagnan are married – but they've spent the last four years apart, separated by war.

Does D Artagnan love Milady? ›

As d'Artagnan falls further in love with Milady, her maid, Kitty, begins to fall in love with d'Artagnan. One day, Kitty takes d'Artagnan aside and confesses that she loves him. She also tells him that Milady does not love him, she loves the Comte de Wardes.

Were Athos, Porthos, and Aramis real? ›

Aramis is reputedly based on one Henri d'Aramitz, an Abbot and Musketeer. Athos is based on Armand d'Athos, a nobleman and Musketeer… apparently he was killed in a duel. Porthos is based on Isaac de Porthau, a cousin of d'Athos…he too was a musketeer and later became Secretary to the Parlement of Bearn…

Were there 4 of The Three Musketeers? ›

Clearly there were 4 of them. Because at the beginning of the book, D'artagnan is not yet a musketeer, and the book is about his encounter with the three musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

How much of The Three Musketeers is true? ›

However, while this adventure is known to be a work of fiction, it is inspired by a true story. The d'Artagnan that inspired Alexandre Dumas for his novel really existed. His name was Charles de Batz de Castelmore, known as d'Artagnan, and he was a captain-lieutenant of the Musketeers of the Guard serving the king.

Who was Aramis in love with? ›

Queen Anne

Anne is Aramis' primary love interest in the series. They fell in love when Aramis when he saved her life in season 1, episode 2. In the same episode, she gives him a jewel cross necklace in gratitude for saving her life and called him the bravest of the king's Musketeers.

Who killed Constance in The Three Musketeers? ›

The naïve Constance clings to Milady who pretends to be another victim of the Cardinal's intrigues. Seeking revenge on D'Artagnan, Milady poisons Constance before he arrives to rescue her.

Who does Aramis end up with in the Musketeers? ›

However, when he reunited with his friends, Aramis decided that he was better off as a soldier rather than a monk and rejoined the Musketeers. He was shown to stop his womanizing after his return, reserving his love only for Queen Anne.

Who is Athos in love with? ›

However, Athos met and fell in love with Milady De Winter (who was then known as Anne when he knew her), making Milady his second romance. The two of them married while Catherine was instead betrothed to Thomas. He also had a brief romantic feelings for Ninon de Larroque, whom he had only kissed home.

What happens to Athos' son? ›

Athos eventually falls out with King Louis XIV of France, who has seduced his son Raoul's fiancée and is briefly thrown into the Bastille for voicing his contempt. After being pardoned at d'Artagnan's instigation, Athos withdraws to his home, where he dies of sorrow after Raoul is killed at war.

What happened to Athos' wife? ›

Cutting away her clothes so she could breathe, Athos discovered the convict brand on her shoulder. Dishonored and having the right to dispense justice on his estates, Athos immediately hanged her from a tree. His wife's so-called brother, who had married the pair, fled before any retribution could be taken.

Did Aramis become a monk? ›

Meanwhile, Aramis leaves the musketeers to become a monk and Bazin becomes a lay brother. Athos continues on as a musketeer until 1633, only retiring after receiving an inheritance.

Was there a black musketeers? ›

Between 1663 and 1664, Louis XIV set up the final organization of the musketeers by creating a second company. Nicknamed the Grey Musketeers and the Black Musketeers, they belonged to the Military Household and were part of the army's elite.

Who was the drunk musketeer? ›

Amends are finally made, however, and d'Artagnan and Athos leave Athos's old horse with the innkeeper to compensate his losses. At supper that night, Athos becomes very drunk and tells d'Artagnan who is bemoaning the fate of his beloved Constance Bonacieux, about his own misfortunes in love.

Did France actually have musketeers? ›

The Musketeers of the military household of the King of France (Mousquetaires de la maison militaire du roi de France), also known as the Musketeers of the Guard (French: Mousquetaires de la garde) or King's Musketeers (Mousquetaires du roi), were an elite fighting company of the military branch of the Maison du Roi, ...

Who were the musketeers in real life? ›

The real three musketeers: the historical Athos, Porthos and Aramis (and d'Artagnan) revealed. The origins of the musketeers can be traced to 1600, when Henri IV formed the carabins, a unit of light cavalry armed with long guns called arquebuses, who became known for their marksmanship.

Was there ever a black musketeer? ›

Between 1663 and 1664, Louis XIV set up the final organization of the musketeers by creating a second company. Nicknamed the Grey Musketeers and the Black Musketeers, they belonged to the Military Household and were part of the army's elite.

Who is the best Musketeer in history? ›

D'Artagnan is without any doubt the most famous Musketeer. He was born as 'Charles de Batz de Castelmore' in 1611 in the little village of Lupiac in the Gers (Gascony) in Southwest France. He probably came to his fame from the novel 'The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas published in 1844.

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